Represent Yung Ralph with the JME (Juug Man Entertainment) merchandise. 
Tops, Bottoms, and Sets that comes in ALL COLORS!!

Booking Information and Inquiries

Contact information for booking Yung Ralph a.k.a Juugman is listed below. Pricing for venues, shows, as well as features is also listed below. However, to get further information regarding prices, you will have to contact Mrs.Tracy , as well as fill out the form below. Mrs.Tracy will get back to you within 3-5 business days regarding your interests. Also, if you would like to send Yung Ralph a.k.a Juugman anything, the PO Box address is also listed below.
Yung Ralph a.k.a Juugman's venue booking prices ranges from the time, location, as well as any other accomodations you would like to acquire. 
Yung Ralph a.k.a Juugman's show prices are based upon location, performance length, as well as any other accomodations you would like to acquire.
Yung Ralph a.k.a Juugman's feature prices depends upon the length of the song, place in which the song is recorded, as well as any other accomodations you would like to acquire. 
Contact and Booking Inquiries
Yung Ralph a.k.a Juugman
Look Like Money Entertainment 
Booking/Contact Information Contact Mrs.Tracy
PO Box: 2260 Fairburn Rd SW Atlanta, GA 31131
Po Box Number: 310454
Business: 912-346-5453
Mobile: 470-629-6365
Fax: 678-974-2130